Holy Smokes, Bullets Kill! (And Other Presentation Tips)
Before planning your presentation, according to Carmine Gallo,
it is critical to know the question that matters most to your
audience: "Why should I care?"1 You need to think about how to
inspire your audience. Simply trying to sell them something
doesn't cut it. As Carmine writes, "Your widget doesn't
inspire me. Show me how your widget improves my life, and
you've won me over."2
Here are Steve Jobs' ten secrets for insanely great presentations.3
- Plan in analog. Brainstorm in advance of creating your
presentation. You can use pen and paper, a whiteboard or,
better yet, a mind map.
DO NOT use PowerPoint®to create your presentation—it will be
used only in the final step! (More on this later.)
- Create Twitter-friendly headlines. Describe your product or
service in 140 characters or less. Preferably, a lot less.
Steve introduced the MacBook Air® as simply, "The world's
thinnest notebook." About the first-generation iPod®, he
tweeted: "It's one thousand songs in your pocket."
- Introduce the villain. Steve saw a presentation as a
three-act play that must tell a story, but what is a story
without a hero and a villain? Before he introduced the famous
1984 ad to a group of Apple salespeople, he set the stage,
casting "Big Blue" as Goliath. "IBM wants it all," he
warned, and defiantly asserted that only Apple stoodin its way.
His dramatic moment sent the crowd into frenzy.
While the villain doesn't have to be a competitor, it must
be a common foe that your audience will want to join with
you in rallying against. Your product is then revealed as
the conquering hero.
- Create visual slides. As Carmine writes, "Neuroscientists
are finding that the best way to communicate information is
through text and pictures, not text alone." As for bullet points,
Steve never, ever, used them and neither should you. Carmine has
a section in her book titled, "Bullets Kill" that describes why
you should avoid using PowerPoint to create your presentation.
"Think about what happens when you open PowerPoint. A
blank-format slide appears that contains space for
words—a title and subtitle. This presents a problem.
There are very few words in a Steve Jobs presentation.
Now think about the first thing you see in the drop-down
menu under Format: Bullets & Numbering. This leads to
the second problem. There are no bullet points in a Steve
Jobs presentation. The software itself forces you to
create a template that represents the exact opposite of what
you need to speak like Steve!"4
Take a look at the following comparison of bullet-point
slides compared to the same information, presented visually.
- Practice, a lot. Most people read their presentations
off of their PowerPoint slides. This is why most presentations
are boring. Steve treated every slide as piece of poetry and
every presentation as a theatrical event. He wasn't a natural
presenter; he worked very hard at it. Rehearse your presentation,
toss the script and look at your audience. Practice at making
it look effortless.
- Obey the ten-minute rule. It's a scientific fact that the
brain gets tired after ten minutes. Steve's presentations
typically lasted an hour and a half. He would break them up
into short intervals of ten minutes or less by interspersing
videos, demonstrations, or guest speakers. Don't let your
audience get tired or you'll lose them.
A great way to keep your audience's attention when presenting
information is though sequencing, which builds the story
within a visual one step at a time, making the information
much easier to digest.
- Dress up your numbers. We often deal with large numbers
or data that an audience can't comprehend without context.
Breaking them down and presenting numbers visually can
overcome this. Notice how much more effectively the chart
below illustrates sales figures as opposed to a matrix of data.
- Reveal a 'holy smokes!' moment. Maya Angelou said,
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what
you did, but people will never forget how you made them fe
el." Steve Jobs always produced a memorable moment in a pre
sentation. When he introduced the MacBook Air, he told his a
udience that while everyone had seen manila envelopes floating
around the office, what they had never seen was someone pulling
a notebook computer out of one—which is precisely what he did.
The audience went wild and images of that moment remain
emblazoned in people's minds four years later.
- Sell dreams, not products. When it looked at the iPod,
the world saw a music player. What Steve Jobs saw was a tool
to enrich people's lives. Howard Schultz of Starbucks didn't
have a passion to sell coffee; his vision was to create an
experience: a 'third place' between home and work where
people would want to gather. The dream met the customer's
need and the product sales took care of itself.
- Have fun! When was the last time you saw someone enjoying
giving a presentation? Steve Jobs had fun in every keynote. He
made jokes at his own expense. While most people give
presentations to deliver information, Steve always created
an experience that his audience would enjoy and remember.
Most importantly, he sold them on becoming a part of his
dream, not his product.