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15 November 2010

What are the rules for bicycle riders in California?

This is from the

California Driver Handbook Sharing the Road with Other Vehicles Slow Moving Vehicles Animal Drawn Vehicles and Cycles

Bicyclists on public streets have the same rights and responsibilities as automobile and motorcycle drivers. Respect the right-of- way of bicyclists because they are entitled to share the road with other drivers. Here are some critical points for drivers and bicyclists to remember:

A sign telling drivers to share the road with bicyclists.
Motor vehicle drivers must:
  • Pass a bicyclist as they would a slow moving-vehicle. Pass with caution, and only when safe.
  • Look carefully for bicyclists before opening doors next to moving traffic or before turning.
  • Safely merge toward the curb or into the bike lane.
  • Not overtake a bicyclist just before making a turn. Merge first, then turn.
  • Be careful when approaching or passing a bicyclist on a freeway.
  • Must obey all traffic signals and stop signs.
  • Are lawfully permitted to ride on certain sections of freeways, in some rural areas where there is no alternate route.
Turns for bicyclists
Diagram showing how cyclists should enter and exit an intersection.
Intersections with special lanes
Diagram of an intersection with special bicycle lanes.
  • Must ride in the same direction as other traffic, not against it.
  • Shall ride as near to the right curb or edge of the roadway as practical– not on the sidewalk.
  • May legally move left to turn left, to pass a parked or moving vehicle, bicycle, animal, make a turn or avoid debris and other hazards.
  • May choose to ride near the left curb or edge of a one-way street.
  • Should ride single file on a busy or narrow street.
  • Must make left and right turns in the same way that drivers do, using the same turn lanes. If the bicyclist is traveling straight ahead, he or she should use a through traffic lane rather than ride next to the curb and block traffic making right turns.
  • Must signal all their intentions to motorists and bicyclists near them.
  • Must wear a helmet if under the age of 18.
  • Should carry identification.
  • Shall not operate a bicycle on a roadway during darkness unless the bicycle is equipped with:
    • A brake which will enable the operator to make one braked wheel skid on dry level, clean pavement.
    • A front lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet.
    • A rear red reflector visible from a distance of 500 feet.
    • A white or yellow reflector on each pedal visible from a distance of 200 feet.